Call for Presenters at the 2023 National Conference

Call for Presenters

The 2023 Korea TESOL National Conference
Multicultural Celebration: Relations, Research, Reflections

 with a Kids Cafe

  • Date:  Saturday, November 11, 2023 
  • Location: Kangnam University, South Korea  – Map: Google Maps KR
  • Where: Kangnam University, Yongin, Korea
  • Proposal: submission form 
  • Submission due date: September 24th, 2023


This conference aims to bring together educators and researchers from a range of backgrounds to discuss the current status of multicultural education in Korea and its potential for English language teaching and learning. Participants will have the opportunity to present their work, exchange ideas, and collaborate on strategies to create a more inclusive and welcoming learning environment. 

We hope that the 2023 National Conference will provide a forum for educators to share their ideas, innovations, experience, action research, and major research findings. Furthermore, we plan to organize a junior program for conference attendees’ children and other young multicultural learners.


Call for Presentations

Presentation Formats

  • Research Report/Paper: 25 minutes
  • Workshops: 50 minutes
  • Dialogues/Roundtables: 50 minutes
  • Poster Presentations: 30 minutes
  • Graduate Student Showcase: 15 minutes
  • Pecha Kucha: 20 slides, 20 seconds each (synchronous or asynchronous)
  • Got another idea? Alternative session formats are welcome; contact us!

Presentation Proposal

Please follow the instructions below.

  • Do NOT mail or fax any documents. Please use the submission form.
  • Submissions must be received by September 24, 2023.
  • Presenters are encouraged to submit several proposals. However, no more than two academic proposals per person will be accepted.
  • Proposal titles are limited to 12 words in length.
  • Abstracts must not exceed 250 words and will be used in the program, so please edit carefully.
  • Biographical data must not exceed 100 words per presenter and should be in the third person.
  • All presenters must abide by the KOTESOL Code of Conduct and the KOTESOL Ethical Standards for Research and Publication.   


Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Challenges of multicultural education in Korea
  • Models of multicultural education for English Language Teaching
  • Strategies for fostering intercultural dialogue in English language classrooms
  • Innovative approaches for promoting cultural understanding
  • Diversity and inclusion in language teaching pedagogies
  • Online and Offline Culture
  • Group Dynamics (classroom, teacher’s room, home)
  • Roles and Responsibilities

Hints to Strengthen Your Proposal

  • The title of the presentation should be clear (12 words maximum).
  • Be specific and clear about your topic. Give examples as appropriate.
  • Be specific about your approach and point of view.
  • If your presentation is based on research, include a brief description of your methodology and results.
  • Write, edit and proofread your proposal carefully.
  • Remember your time limit. Do not try to crowd too much information into your session.


Are you a (potential) presenter with questions?  yongin(at)
Are you an attendee with questions? 2023kotesolnc(at) 
Are you curious about the Kid’s Cafe? rhett(at)

Check the 2023 KOTESOL National Conference website for updates.