Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter Elections 2023

Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL chapter elections will take place at our chapter meeting on December 9, 2023.

There are three positions up for election:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer

This year’s chapter elections officer is Jocelyn Wright, who can be reached by email at jocelynmnu at

Any current chapter member may nominate one person, including themselves, for each position. Candidates for chapter vice president or treasurer must have been chapter members for at least three months prior to nomination, and candidates for president must have been chapter members for at least six months prior to nomination, and must have been an officer in a chapter of KOTESOL or of National KOTESOL for at least six continuous months immediately prior to nomination. 

Nominated candidates should provide a written personal statement describing their suitability for the position; this statement will be provided to chapter members prior to voting. They must also be endorsed by two current chapter members. 

To nominate someone, including yourself, please send an email to the elections officer, Jocelyn Wright, at jocelynmnu at The nominated person should also send a personal statement to the elections officer. In addition, two members who wish to endorse the nominee should write a paragraph or two explaining why they support the nominee for this position and send their endorsements to the elections officer.

The due date for all nominations and supporting documents is December 2. 

Voting will be held in-person at our meeting on December 9. Current members in attendance will be able to vote. For additional details about election procedures, please click here.

Profiles of each candidate (personal statement + 2 endorsement letters) will be uploaded to this page as they are completed (please see PDF packets below).


Duties of each office 

President: Plan meetings and special events; invite and coordinate speakers; facilitate meetings and workshops; ensure venues are reserved (GNUE, First Recipe, KOTESOL Zoom Room, etc.); chair annual regional conference; work with chapter officers on outreach and innovative meeting formats; order prizes for drawings at meetings; represent the chapter at National Council meetings and at events around the community (e.g., GIC Day); ensure other duties (chapter email newsletter, etc.) are being handled.

Vice President: Ascend to the presidency if the position becomes vacant; facilitate workshops and represent the chapter at National Council meetings when the president is unable to attend; assist the president as needed. In recent years, projects have included serving as webmaster, including creating event pages for workshops in a timely fashion and advertising workshops and regional conference; serving as co-chair of the regional conference; and creating the Gwangju Communicator and getting it printed for meetings.

Treasurer: Handle all aspects of chapter finances, including keeping all chapter monies in a separate personal account earmarked for this purpose; tracking all income and expenses (e.g., for the regional conference); preparing speaker honoraria and paying other expenses (e.g., speaker dinners, prizes) as needed; reimbursing expenses for workshops and the regional conference; preparing the annual budget and spending report; preparing necessary documents to request reimbursement from National as needed (e.g., quarterly chapter dues shares, payment for ads in conference program book, etc.).

Note: Some of these duties can be delegated to appointed officers (e.g., membership chair, officers-at-large)

Candidate Profiles

Please see the attached PDF packets for candidate statements and endorsements for each nominated candidate.