DCC September Workshop (ONLINE)

Presenter: John Breckenfeld
Date and Time: Wednesday, Sept 27th, 8-9pm
Presentation: Making the Most of Pen and Paper Writing in the Classroom

Abstract: Existential dread around writing instruction and assessment is commonplace these days; the anxiety is well founded. Fortunately, we can fall back on tried and true methods of in-class paper and pen/pencil writing tasks. This fall semester, I have taken advantage of my in-class writing instruction portfolio that has developed over the past eight years. From Day 1, while referencing Dweck’s Growth Mindset, I do my best to convince students that they can improve their English writing – without depending on translators or AI – through effective practice. My fall semester follows a detailed process from sentence writing, to paragraphs and ultimately essays, with fun fluency-based activities along the way. The successes highlighted in this workshop will mostly benefit middle, high school and college instructors, but half of the activities would work well with elementary grades, too. Grab your pencil case, cut up some scrap paper, and robots beware! 

Presenter Bio: John Breckenfeld has been living and teaching English in S. Korea for over ten years, including over eight years on university campuses. His professional interests include reflective practice, student motivation, goal setting, music and ELT, Problem-Posing Education and the Growth Mindset.


We’re really lucky to have John present for us again – long-term members of the chapter will recall his wonderful workshop with us a couple of years back on using music and movies in the classroom. If you didn’t see that one, be sure to see this!


As usual, the event is free for DCC members, but please make sure you register here first: https://forms.gle/EKMTQ5QPaa8pvZRw5


We look forward to seeing you on the 27th!