Yongin Chapter December 2022 News

On Saturday, December 10th, Yongin Chapter held a December Event bringing the total number of events to 8 for the year. Smiles and laughter were exchanged as some people hadn’t seen each other since 2019, before the pandemic. The group discussed 2022, brought it to a close, heard about the incoming chapter leadership, and considered plans for 2023.

After general conversation and ‘coffee-catchup’, the group got started by sharing how they have experienced doing “Year-in-Reviews”. This was either as an educator in the classroom or practices as individuals in their personal lives. Examples shared included: a newsletter, printing out photos for a scrapbook, and even making a calendar for 2023 that included the highlights of the previous year.

How about you? What ways do you, your family, and your classes take inventory of all the learning and fun during the past year?

A major goal to close out the year 2022, and transition into 2023, was to announce the results of the Chapter Election. A huge thanks goes to Martin Todd, Chairperson for the Election Committee. After confirming there was not a need to do ‘in-person’ voting, the results were announced as follows:

Chapter President: James G. Rush, II

Chapter 1st Vice-President: Daniela Trinks

Chapter 2nd Vice-President: Greg Lewis

Chapter Treasurer: David D.I. Kim

Chapter Secretary: Andre’ P. Jacobs

Graduate Student Representative: Martin Todd

Former/Immediate Past President: Stewart Gray


Once these Executive committee members of the chapter were announced, a shift in focus took place. Ideas, thoughts, and concerns turned toward: 2023. Preliminary matters discussed included the need for a schedule, an overall theme for the coming year, and an exciting new topic for consideration. The driving question was: “What can/should we do as a “Chapter Project”? Current members are definitely encouraged to contribute to the discussion and will be receiving information soon. If you are not a current member – here’s another reason to become one! 

We encourage you to join us for the next couple of Mondays and also take a listen to recent podcasts parts 1 and 2 (52 min. plus).