KOTESOL Elections: Have You Voted?

Did you vote? Don’t miss the boat.

If you have voted, great! If you haven’t voted yet, there’s still time. The KOTESOL 2022 National Elections are open to all KOTESOL members through October 29. Your online ballot was sent to you on October 8 via the email address recorded in your KOTESOL profile. It contains an email message with voting information and your official KOTESOL elections ballot. 

If, for some reason, you don’t find your email message and ballot in your inbox, it may be due to one of the following reasons:
1. The email message went to your spam folder. Check your spam folder.
2. The email message went to a different email address of yours; that would be the email address of record in your KOTESOL profile. Check your profile.
3. The email message was sent to the email address recorded in your KOTESOL profile, but that is an old email address that is no longer active.
4. The email message bounced because the email address was recorded incorrectly in your KOTESOL profile. Check your profile.
5. You opted out of receiving email messages from KOTESOL (only a very, very few cases).
6. Some unexplained glitch occurred somewhere in cyberspace.
In cases 3-6, you may contact KOTESOL for assistance at admin@koreatesol.org
or at elections@koreatesol.org

Before voting, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the candidates by reading or re-reading their candidate details and statements as well as endorsements at https://koreatesol.org/content/2022-candidates

Voting is a KOTESOL member benefit. Let your voice be heard.