Represent KOTESOL at Thailand TESOL International Conference 2023

Current KOTESOL members are invited to express interest in representing our organization at the Thailand TESOL International Conference 2023.

The 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference will be held 27-28 January 2023. KOTESOL’s representative will speak as a Featured Speaker, with a 45-minute session. The Theme of the conference is, “ELT for the Future: Navigating the Possibilities.” The conference venue is the Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok.

Benefits of representing KOTESOL include the waiving of conference registration fees and accommodation during the conference. 

You can find out more about the conference here:

If you are interested, please get in touch by 31 October. It would be helpful if you could send the following information (although if you would like to contact us to ask questions or touch base before preparing information, that would be great):

  • Your proposed session title (maximum 25 words)
  • Session abstract (200-250 words)
  • A short bio


Please email AND please CC