2023 Nomination Procedures 

Who Is Eligible?

All members of the National Council must be members in good standing of KOTESOL (i.e., their KOTESOL membership must be current).

Any member seeking nomination for an elected position on the National Council must have been a member in good standing for at least the 12 full months immediately prior to their time of seeking nomination; except that any candidate for the office of President must have been a KOTESOL member for the previous two years, must have served on the Council for at least 12 full months prior to the time of seeking nomination (though not necessarily a continuous 12 full months), and must be a current member of TESOL International Association at the time of nomination and throughout their term as President.

One KOTESOL member may run for only one national elective office among president, first vice-president, second vice-president, secretary, treasurer, nominations and elections committee chair, and international conference committee co-chair.

How to Nominate

Nominations may be made by any KOTESOL member in good standing. Nominations can be of one of two types: (a) self-nominations, which has generally been the type of nominations received over the years, or (b) nomination by another member. In this latter case, the nominee must consent to the nomination and submit the required documentation. 

Documentation Required (Nomination Packet)

Each nominee/candidate is responsible for the submission of (a) a resume, (b) a statement of interest, and (c) endorsements, detailed below:

A. Candidate’s Resume/Information: This document contains in list form information on the candidate’s work experience, KOTESOL service, education, and other ELT-related experience. Details on its contents are available in the PDF attached below.

B. Candidate’s Statement of Interest: This document details the candidate’s reasons for seeking office, their qualifications for the office, and their planned actions in that position if elected. Details on its contents are available in the PDF attached below.

C. Endorsements: Candidates for an elected office must request endorsements from two (2) KOTESOL members in good standing (3 endorsements in the case of presidential candidates). Each endorsement may include that member’s reasons for endorsing the candidate. It is the responsibility of the candidate to arrange for endorsements to be submitted. Details on endorsement contents are available in the PDF attached below.

Nomination Period: September 1-27, 2023 

Send documents to elections@koreatesol.org

The Candidates

Confirmed candidates for the 2023 KOTESOL national elections and their related documents are posted on the 2023 Nominees / Candidates page as soon as their documents are submitted and found to be complete.

Inquiries: elections@koreatesol.org 

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 To the 2023 Nominees / Candidates page.