National Council Guidance on Potential Changes to Social Distancing


At the KOTESOL National Council meeting on April 10th, 2022, Council discussed reports that social distancing rules may be changed or dropped in Korea in the near future, and agreed on policy to guide KOTESOL event organizers if there are changes.

If social distancing rules are dropped in Korea, KOTESOL event organizers will have the discretion to organize face-to-face events, provided all events have prior approval from venues, and events follow any extra restrictions or rules put in place by venues.

During the Council meeting, some of the issues discussed included the need to prioritize health and safety, the importance of trusting in the discretion and good judgment of KOTESOL event organizers (chapter officers, Special Interest Group officers, and others throughout KOTESOL), the role of perceptions particularly in an organization with many non-Korean members, and the need for Council to provide guidance given the potential for changes in the near future.

A question KOTESOL members and volunteers are sometimes asking is whether Zoom and other online meeting options will continue to to be available for KOTESOL events. The answer is, of course! Zoom and online events are here to stay, and will continue to be a valuable option available going forward, no matter what else changes.

Please note that as of the publication of this news item, social distancing rules are still in place in Korea, and no face-to-face KOTESOL events are taking place while social distancing rules are still in place.