DCC 2022 Online Workshop Series: Heidi Vande Voort Nam & Anjee DiSanto

Presenters: Heidi Vande Voort Nam and Anjee DiSanto
Date and Time: Weds March 23rd, 8pm – 9pm
Presentation:  Going Back to Teaching In-class – For Good (?)


We hope you are alright and that the start of the new semester is treating you well.

I’m sure we’ve all been quite saddened by what we’ve seen on the news in Europe, and this situation has moved the DCC Exec to devote our next workshop to providing some help to the Ukrainian people. As such, the next ‘Wednesday Workshop’ (March 23rd, 2022 from 8-9pm) will also be a fundraiser for those affected by the war in Ukraine.

The topic will be ‘Going Back to Teaching In-class – For Good (?)’. Unlike our normal workshops, this will be a discussion forum / ideas sharing / drop-in clinic covering all aspects of the move by the government back to permanent in-class teaching. We’ll cover three topics:

1: “Lessons learned in lockdown to take back to the classroom – sharing ideas”

2: “Things I’m really worried about with regards to going back in-class – a drop-in clinic”

3: “Maintaining teacher and student wellbeing during in-class teaching – discussing options”

Heidi Vande Voort Nam and Anjee DiSanto and have kindly offered to host the discussion rooms, and we’ll confirm another final host before the event! Please be prepared to bring ideas as well as get ideas – this will be a time to share tips and suggestions rather than just listen to a presentation. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time in KOTESOL, that is that everyone – everyone! – has something worthwhile and interesting to bring to the table when it comes to teaching. This event will be a chance to share what we know and support one another in the transition back to permanent in-class teaching. Together, we’re stronger!

Finally – and most importantly – this event is a fundraiser. Typically, the DCC Chapter asks non-members of KOTESOL to pay a small fee for attending our workshops (members come for free, of course). However, for this event we are waiving all fees. Instead, we ask that all attendees consider sending some money to help people either in or fleeing the war in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Embassy in Seoul has opened a Korean bank account dedicated to accepting donations which will be used for humanitarian aid, and so we ask that attendees send a donation there instead.

As usual, you should register for the event first: https://forms.gle/L71n1MArcE4n2BWw9

You can find the Ukrainian Embassy’s account details on the registration form, or you can look on their Facebook page:


Finally – please spread the word about this event, and get more people to join! As humble as our help may be, it can still make a difference. Thank you.