Lindamulage Chaturi Nisansala Silva & Sakuni Amanda Dushyanthi Thelikada Palliya Guruge

Keimyung University

(Professional Development) Webinar Library

Difficulties Encountered by ESL Teachers in Government Schools in Sri Lanka


The purpose of this study was to investigate the difficulties encountered by the ESL teachers in government schools in Sri Lanka. This study addresses to what issues may arise as a result of these disparities when teaching English as a second language and in turn seeks to overcome the difficulties faced in this area in government schools in Sri Lanka. Research questions are as below. 1: What are the difficulties teachers face in teaching English as a second language in government schools? 2: Do teachers use the communicative language teaching in the ESL classroom? In this study used qualitative research method and participants in this study were four English teachers teaching in grade 8 from four Sri Lankan government schools in same district. To gather data research tools were used as interviews, discussions and observations. This study suggested that the teaching of English in Sri Lanka was not satisfactory and because of many students and teachers encountered with significant number of difficulties in learning English as a second language in Sri Lankan schools. English is a compulsory subject in Sri Lanka and students should learn English from pre-school to high school until they complete the advanced level examination. However, ESL teachers face many difficulties in teaching English as a second language. Difficulties encountered by the teachers in teaching ESL differed across schools and were related to the culture and the socio-economic background of schools. The findings suggested the need for more classroom-based research to comprehend the complex factors affecting the teaching and learning of ESL in government schools in Sri Lanka.

About Lindamulage Chaturi Nisansala Silva

I have successfully completed a Master’s Degree in English education at Keimyung University. With my working experience of teaching I am interested about how to study ESL teaching, second language acquisition and curious study various issues and findings on it. And also my current research interests are classroom management, e-learning and teacher identity in pre-service.

About Sakuni Amanda Dushyanthi Thelikada Palliya Guruge

I am Thelikada Palliya Guruge Sakuni Amanda Dushyanthi and am studying at Keimyung University in the English Education department. I worked as a primary teacher at a government school in Sri Lanka. Currently I am interested in examining EFL context through different research areas.