Annual Business Meeting & Bylaws Proposal

KOTESOL’s annual business meeting (ABM) will be held on Sunday, October 13, starting at 4:15, following the closing ceremony of the international conference. Reports on KOTESOL’s past year will be given, and election results will be announced.

Also at the ABM, proposed amendments to the constitution and by-laws may be voted on. Prior to the submission deadline, we have received one bylaws amendment proposal with the requisite endorsements. It is being made available here to the membership to fulfill the 30-day advance notice requirement. Discussion of the matter and voting will take place at the ABM.

Proposed Amendment to the KOTESOL Bylaws
(To be added to Article IV:)
Section 8. Online Meetings. The National Council may, at the request of the President, convene a meeting via videoconferencing. Videoconference meetings must be announced to the general membership in advance with instructions provided for how a member may participate in the videoconference.
Endorsed by:
Lindsay Herron 
Bryan Hale
Maria Lisak
Stewart Gray
Rhea Metiuk


Initially published Sept 1, “bumped up” October 10th.   rjd