What Every EFL Teacher Really Wants

What does every EFL teacher really want? That is a good question. A researched question. A question with emotion behind it. What do you as an EFL teacher really want?

Before we provide the answer to this question, why don’t you see if you know the answer? Think about it. What is the one thing that makes you excited in your teaching career?

  • Is it preparing a lesson?
  • Is it attending a conference…like the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference in Seoul?
  • Is it to stand in front of a class and engage with students?
  • Is it to talk about language learning?
  • Is it to connect with other global citizens?
  • Or are you more of a research, literature type?


Well, let’s see if we can get some common ground here. Some like the social events. Others like the learning environments. Some like to put hard work in, others enjoy the fun moments with their students.

But, deep down inside, every EFL teacher really wants to hear their students’ language progress. Every ESL teacher loves to see a student trying, trying harder, and then getting a breakthrough. Delivering that presentation near-perfect, with confidence. Answering that oral question surprisingly fluent. Writing that paragraph in a way that even you are amazed to read what is on that piece of paper.

ESL teachers just want to be successful at teaching English as a Second Language. And that is why an event like the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference should not be missed. It is an opportunity to learn from experienced and less experienced co-workers. It is the event to hone your skills.

Be there. Not for yourself, but for your students. So they can learn better in your next class.

You owe it to yourself. You owe it to them.

Teachers helping Teachers.

KOTESOL International Conference on October 12 and 13 (Saturday and Sunday) at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul. https://koreatesol.org/IC2019



Dr. Jan de Beer is an Assistant Professor and Research Project Coordinator at Woosong University.