Extended Summaries of Conference Presentations Now Online

Eager to see what our 2019 International Conference has to offer in the way of presentations? Well, here is an initial peek. A number of our presenters have made the extra effort to prepare an extended summary of their presentation to be included in this publication of 30 summaries of workshop presentations, research presentations, poster presentations, and even an invited presentation and a “101” presentation!

Presentations run the gamut from picture books to chatbots, from Vygotshian perspectives to data-driven learning. Find it all HERE.

What exactly is an “extended summary”? An extended summary is a summary of the contents of a presentation running about three pages in length. It is much more detailed than the 1-2 paragraph abstract of each presentation that will be appearing in the conference program book, yet much shorter than a paper on a conference presentation that may appear in the conference proceedings, which is a post-conference publication.

So, here is a sampling of 30 of the 200 presentations that the 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference will be offering — almost 100 pages of extended summaries. Check them out today!

Extended Summaries URL: https://koreatesol.org/content/extended-summaries-kotesol-2019

International Conference Website: https://koreatesol.org/IC2019
