2020 Call for Nominations Opens – KOTESOL National Leadership Positions

KOTESOL is only as good as its members, and KOTESOL leadership is only as good as the volunteer leaders that step up to run for office. 

Nominations deadline: September 30th, 2020, at 23:59. 

Check out who is running!

KOTESOL is now accepting nominations for the following national council positions:

  • President
  • 1st Vice President
  • 2nd Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • International Conference Committee Co-Chair
  • Nominations & Elections Committee Chair

Take a look at KOTESOL’s Bylaws.


All members of the Council must be members in good standing with KOTESOL.

Any member seeking nomination for an elected position on the Council must have been a member in good standing for at least the 12 full months immediately prior to the time of seeking nomination.

All candidates for President must have been a KOTESOL member for the previous two years, and must be a current member of TESOL International at the time of nomination and throughout their term as President.


To apply, send an email to elections@koreatesol.org with:

  • Your full name
  • Email address
  • Position you are applying for
  • Your education/awards/experience,
  • Your KOTESOL service
  • Your candidate statement (in pdf form please)

Additionally, have your two endorsements sent their letters (in pdf format) to elections@koreatesol.org.


Examples of 2018’’s statements and endorsements.


Running a nonprofit like KOTESOL is a group effort where long-standing members and leaders who are very passionate and diligent in giving their time and expertise produce evidence of professional development care and mentoring. I hope you see it as your turn to take up the mantle of KOTESOL leadership.

If you are interested in leading (but not at the national level) there are several other opportunities at chapter, committee, and special interest group levels. Bring your special mix of skills and experiences to foster diversity and inclusion in KOTESOL leadership. Contact your chapter, a committee chair or a SIG today!


Contact Mike Peacock, Nominations & Elections Committee Chair, at elections@koreatesol.org. Thank you for your service to KOTESOL.