The 4th Industrial Revolution and Education Symposium

TESOL-MALL Graduate Program Woosong University Symposium KOTESOL DCC Workshop

The 4th Industrial Revolution and Education:
Digital Language Learning and Teaching

12:00-18:00 June 01, W16 5th Floor Woosong University West Campus

The fourth industrial revolution has seen the convergence of innovation and technology, led by AI (Artificial Intelligence), big data, and IoT (the Internet of Things), and it has restructured industry across all sectors including that of education. These changes have been disruptive, and have seen how our students interact with us as teachers change, and how we as teachers prepare and provide learning opportunities in and outside of the classroom transform as well. Moving forward, these changes will also see the need to provide learners with different skill sets, not only ones they will need to use in order to function in the classroom, but in society, and in the workplace as well. These changes have already seen how we access content transform, providing perhaps too much with quality hard to assess. It therefore becomes imperative that now, more than at any other time, teachers be able to understand what digital language learning means, what the benefits are, and how they can analyze and evaluate any technologies that they might seek to use with their learners. The aim of this talk is to do just that, while also introducing a rubric that participants can utilize throughout the symposium when considering the potential of the tools and techniques that the invited professor and practitioner workshops provide.

This symposium will feature students from Woosong University’s TESOL MALL Graduate Program.


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