
KOTESOL National Conference 2018

Presentation (45 minutes)

Alaric Naudé, Suwon Science College, The University of Suwon

In Search of Balance: Gender, Culture and Bureaucracy

Crossing borders is much more than just moving past a man-made barrier. The most powerful of borders has no walls, wires or security because the most difficult border to cross is the human mind, which can shut itself more tightly than a prison in the cruelest of dictatorships. With this seemingly impenetrable wall in place, how can the mind be crossed in order to make students more receptive to learning? What factors undermine the ability of an educator to effectively conduct lessons and how can these be overcome? Come on a journey with a sociolinguist and gain a deeper understanding of the labyrinth of issues in education such as gender, culture and bureaucracy.

Gender is an area of concern where there is a consistent bias in terms of education and this must be addressed. Gender discrimination in the classroom must be promptly dealt with, but how? A groundbreaking concept will be introduced, rather than gender equality, the new philosophy of gender equivalentism. Further, culture has profound ramifications on how the learning process is understood. How can culture be utilised, overcome or sidestepped?

Then, the nightmare, yes a seemingly never ending abyss, the quagmire that stops progress, bureaucracy. Learn how to make allies and friends in the system to streamline learning and improve its quality.

Not a presentation for the faint hearted, making you question what you understand and how you understand it.


Alaric Naudé is currently a professor of Clinical English and Linguistics in the Department of Nursing at the University of Suwon, Suwon Science College and has a doctorate in Social Studies (specializing in sociolinguistics) as well as a doctorate in Education (specializing in applied linguistics). His areas of personal study include ancient and modern languages, translation, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, neurolinguistics, and linguistic pedagogy, and is well known in linguistics communities. He is a strong supporter of the right to education for women in both developed and developing countries.

Dr. Naudé’s website: www.naude.eu

See the list of Presentations at the KOTESOL 2018 National Conference