
KOTESOL National Conference 2018

Workshop (45 minutes)

Paul Johnson, Changshin University

Adventure Role Playing for Language Development

This workshop seeks to show the many benefits of developing and using adventure style role playing games (ARPGs) for language development and, through a hands on experience, helps teachers create and implement their own.

1. The many benefits of ARPGs.
2. An explanation of traditional RPG game mechanics.
3. How to develop one’s own ARPG to best suit specific student needs.
4. Demonstration of an ARPG (Everyone gets to play!)

Some benefits of ARPGs: (1) Players (language learners) have the chance to practice using descriptive adjectives in developing and introducing their players to the group. These include character features (e.g. intelligence, wisdom), physical strengths (agility, speed), and appearance (height, clothing). This activity helps students to practice descriptive adjectives and public speaking. (2) In their adventures, the players will come across many different unexpected situations, forcing them to use unfamiliar language structures and broaden their vocabulary. (3) Time constraints will force students to quickly take their ideas from thoughts to spoken language. (4) Players don’t always succeed (especially when dice rolls are involved!). Students learn that failure is an instrumental part of development. (5) Players need to do many day to day things like go to the store to buy gear. Thus practicing day-to-day conversations in an entertaining setting.

When creativity is blossoming, students will experience unforeseen learning opportunities!

Develops on works by:
Jane McGonigal, Reality is Broken: How Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World.
James Carse, Infinite and Finite Games.


Paul Johnson was born and raised in Southern California. He has an M.A. in Philosophy and focuses on Ethics. He loves running, reading, and making music. He wants to use games to help make the world a better place. ajwoodsum@gmail.com

See the list of Presentations at the KOTESOL 2018 National Conference