Julian Warmington & Rhea Metituk


KOTESOL National Conference 2018

Presentation (45 minutes)

Julian Warmington, KOTESOL Climate Education SIG
Rhea Metituk, University of Ulsan


Structures & Sausages: Generation Climate Change

The industrial greenhouse gas effect has only just started to wreak havoc around the world, and it is about to get much worse much faster. Is it all doom and gloom, or is there anything still worth learning, celebrating, and teaching? This 45-minute interactive presentation offers:

  • To take the climate change challenge head on, creating a safe space for brainstorming and sharing new ideas and tested topics and techniques. Whether you have questions or content to share about teaching any aspect of the greenhouse gas effect – also known as global warming/ climate change – from the physics through to concepts or experience building community resilience, your contribution will be valuable;
  • To share and develop the Climate Education Network, a nation-wide network of resources materials particularly including willing guest speakers;
  • To establish the Climate Education SIG; -To demonstrate the use of story to present the key characters within the meta-narrative of climate challenge.


Julian Warmington is an English teacher in South Korea, and a member of KOTESOL’s social justice special interest group. He sees the challenges presented by the industrial greenhouse gas effect being about social justice as much as the environment. Email: JulianW.NZ@gmail.com ggeskills.wordpress.com

Rhea Metituk began her career teaching health education in an HIV/AIDS NGO in Africa. Since her “pivot Asia” move in 2002, she has been based in Seoul, Busan, and now Ulsan. She has an MA in Rhetorical Writing and Digital Media, and currently is posted at the University of Ulsan. She is researching blended learning methods for teaching conversation. Her academic interests include rhetorical analysis: study of appeals in communication using pathos, ethos, and logos, as well as media literacy and using creativity in digital media. She is currently Busan-Gyeongnam KOTESOL Chapter President, KOTESOL Chair of Financial Affairs, and a member of KOTESOL’s Social Justice and Reflective Practice SIGs (Special Interest Groups). Rhea’s calendar includes road biking, hiking, camping, culinary arts, reiki, creative writing, theater, yoga and Gaelic football. She is an activist and passionate about the environment and human rights. She loves to debate, so come prepared, but no need to be scared.

See the list of Presentations at the KOTESOL 2018 National Conference