
KOTESOL National Conference 2018

Research Report (20 minutes)

David Scott Bowyer, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies

Recursive Conversations and L2 Oral Competence

Recursive conversations (RCs) are described as a “return to a similar experience?but with a wider knowledge” (Kindt, 2004, p. 15). Focusing on RCs and their effects on learner beliefs and performance, including fluency, disfluency, and complexity, this presentation describes the results of Action Research conducted over six weeks with 18 first-year English majors in a freshman oral communication program at a Japanese university. Following a mixed methods approach, the researcher collected and analyzed both quantitized and qualitative data (D?rnyei, 2007). Data included pre- and post-questionnaires, learner feedback forms, and conversation transcriptions.

Analysis of the transcription data indicated up to a 20% increase in fluency markers attributable to the effect of RCs. Transcription analysis also showed a significant increase in sentence complexity, as indicated by increases in average sentence length of over 10%. Questionnaire and feedback data indicated that learners considered the RCs to be more interesting and less challenging. Some students considered the recursive conversations to be less useful than non-recursive ones, indicating a contradiction between learners’ experiences of the RCs and perceptions of their usefulness in promoting L2 oral competence.

The results of this research indicate that RCs can have positive short-term effects on learners’ oral competency, but that educators should take steps to engage with learners regarding the impact of pedagogical tools in order for learners to become aware of potential benefits. Issues surrounding the long-term effects of RCs and appropriate methods for helping learners to see the benefits of such procedures are promising areas for future research.


Scott has been teaching English in Japan for eight years, experiencing a wide variety of learners and types of instruction. In 2015 he joined Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, where he became deeply interested in learner beliefs, assessment-as-learning, and the links between the classroom and the real world. scottybowyer1@gmail.com

See the list of Presentations at the KOTESOL 2018 National Conference