
KOTESOL National Conference 2018

Presentation (45 minutes)

Daniel Corks, Woosong University

Fixing Grammar Errors: The Burden of Teaching L2 Writing

For teachers of L2 writing, correcting errors in students’ assignments is a part of the job that one learns to dread. Even after correcting an uncountable number of errors, neither student nor teacher can say for certain whether any improvement has been made.

While researchers seek an answer to the question, “Does grammar correction work?” the teaching community requires an answer to a different question: “Does grammar correction work well?” That is, does it have an effect that is both strong enough and broad enough for it to be of use for general use language teachers? Is it really the best use of our limited time for responding to students’ work?

With a grounding in research findings, this presentation will consider the practical aspects of grammar correction in L2 writing and what types of feedback are most beneficial to students at all levels. Participants will have ample time to discuss with each other and share observations from their own classes.


Daniel Corks is a graduate of Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea with a master‘s degree in applied linguistics in the field of second language acquisition. He is currently an assistant professor at Woosong University in Daejeon, South Korea, and a member of the Daejeon-Chungcheong chapter of KOTESOL.

See the list of Presentations at the KOTESOL 2018 National Conference