Korea TESOL at 25 Years: Celebrating Our Story

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Korea TESOL at 25 Years: 
Celebrating Our Story

20~22 October 2017

In honor of Korea TESOL’s 25 year anniversary there are three events:

Opening Ceremony Pecha Kucha

Lifetime Member Dave Shaffer will share important moments in our history since 1993 at the opening plenary session in 20 slides of 20 seconds each.  Get ready to review our entire history in under seven minutes.

‘The Avenue of History’ Video and Poster Exhibit
(Gemma Hall Lobby – toward B111)

At this informative exhibit of Korea TESOL’s history over the past 25 years, visitors can stand or sit to see all 25 of our past conference program book covers, as well as an assortment of messages from past presidents, and a short HD video of some of our most seasoned members sharing their insights on the following five questions:

  1.  What three major changes have you seen in Korea TESOL over its past 25 years?
  2. What has kept you active in Korea TESOL for so long?
  3.  What do you consider to be the main accomplishments of Korea TESOL over the years?
  4. What is one thing that you wish Korea TESOL could be better at today?
  5. What do you foresee Korea TESOL as being like 25 years from now?


Past Presidents’ Panel: Looking Back, Moving Forward
(Saturday, 2:30-3:50PM)

An anniversary is an excellent time for taking stock – for reflecting on how our present realities and future possibilities are rooted in the experiences and lessons of the past. Past presidents from throughout the history of the organization assemble for a look back at the accomplishments and challenges of their respective terms, their perceptions of where KOTESOL stands now, and what the years ahead might hold for the organization. Situated in the ever-evolving context of language education both locally and globally, how will Korea TESOL’s past and its present inflect its future, and where should we go from here?  Moderated by our current President Lindsay Herron, past presidents will include Dr. Oryang Kwon (1995-1996), Dr. Joo-kyung Park (1996-1997), Carl Dusthimer (1997-1999), Robert J. Dickey (2001-2002), Dr. Myung-Jai Kang (2003-2004), Tory Thorkelson (2008-2009), and Peadar Callaghan (2013-2015).