Looking Back, Moving Forward: KOTESOL at 25

Panel Discussion
Featured Speaker

Looking Back, Moving Forward: KOTESOL at 25

An anniversary is an excellent time for taking stockㅡfor reflecting on how our present realities and future possibilities are rooted in the experiences and lessons of the past. Today, in celebration of KOTESOL’s 25th anniversary, past presidents from throughout the history of the organization assemble for a look back at the accomplishments and challenges of their respective terms, their perceptions of where KOTESOL stands now, and what the years ahead might hold for the organization. Situated in the ever-evolving context of language education both locally and globally, how will KOTESOL’s past and its present inflect its future, and where should we go from here? Panelists will share their insights, and audience comments and questions are welcome.

Panel of Presidents

Dr. Oryang Kwon (1995-1996)

Oryang Kwon is a professor emeritus at Seoul National University, who has devoted his professional career to English language education and assessment. In 1992, as the president of the (original) KATE (Korea Association of Teachers of English), he and Patricia Hunt, the president of AETK (Association of English Teachers in Korea), worked to merge the two associations to found Korea TESOL, of which he became president in 1995. He also served as the president of the (new) KATE and KELTA (Korea English Language Testing Association). He was an editorial board member of Language Testing (2007-15) and Asian Englishes (1995-08), and the editor-in-chief of Korea TESOL Journal (2000-02). He co-authored A History of English Language Education in Korea (2010) and edited New Horizons in English Education Research (2014).

Dr. Joo-kyung Park (1996-1997)

Joo-Kyung Park, a lifetime member of KOTESOL, has served the association as the founding president of Cholla Chapter (1993-94), second vice-president (1994-95), first vice-president (1995-6) and president (1996-97). Currently, she is a professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Honam University in Gwangju and serves as immediate past president of the Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK) and Conference Executive Director of Asia TEFL. Her research interests include teacher education, intercultural communication, World Englishes, and critical pedagogy. She has presented at major ELT conferences in many parts of the world frequently as an invited speaker. Email: english58@hanmail.net

Carl Dusthimer (1997-1999)

Carl Dusthimer came to Korea in 1988. He was a founding member of Korea TESOL and served as president from 1997 to 1999. Carl was Director of Education at the Gyeonggi English Village, where he was in charge of program and curriculum development.Currently, Carl runs a content development company and is very interested in the inquiry approach to education and in helping teachers and students discover and explore their creativity.

Robert J. Dickey, JD (2001-2002)

Rob Dickey has been teaching English in South Korea since 1994, the past eight years at Keimyung University in Daegu. Rob is a past president of Korea TESOL (2001-02) and has performed a number of roles/tasks for this and other organizations. His research areas include nonprofit organizations management and leadership, along with learner success, teacher education and professional development, pronunciation, creativity and critical thinking, language assessment, professional ethics, and content-based instruction. He is a regular presenter at conferences across Asia. Email: robertjdickey@yahoo.com

Dr. Myung-Jai Kang (2003-2004)

Myung-jai Kang is currently a professor in the Department of Hotel Tourism at Yeoju Institute of Technology (YIT). She is a past president of KOTESOL (2003-04). Having joined KOTESOL in 1999 as a Seoul Chapter member, she served as first vice-president (2000-01) and president (2001-02) of Seoul Chapter. She has been actively involved in the national and international KOTESOL conferences over the years. She received her master’s degree in English from UWRF in the USA and a PhD from Hongik University in Seoul. Her research interests include teaching methodologies, learning strategies, language acquisition, and lately, flipped learning. Email: regina@yit.ac.kr

Tory Thorkelson (2008-2009)

Tory S. Thorkelson, MEd, is a lifetime member of KOTESOL. He has presented at or worked on many conferences over the years. He is a past president of Seoul Chapter (2004-06) and KOTESOL (2008-09), and is an active KTT member/facilitator. He is an associate professor at Hanyang University and has co-authored research articles (see KTJ, 12-1) and a few textbooks. He is featured in both Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Asia. Currently, he is a graduate student at Middlesex University and a regular contributor to EFL Magazine. Email: thorkor@hotmail.com

Peadar Callaghan (2013-2015)

Peadar Callaghan graduated from the University of Limerick in Ireland with an MA in ELT, and served KOTESOL as Daegu Chapter president and national first vice-president, among other roles, before serving as KOTESOL president from 2013-15. He worked in Korea for nearly a decade before moving to the Middle East in 2016. He currently works at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia.


Lindsay Herron (2015-2017)

Lindsay Herron has been a visiting professor at Gwangju National University of Education in Gwangju since 2008; prior to that she taught on a Fulbright grant at a boys’ high school in Jeju-do. She has master’s degrees in cinema studies and language education, bachelor’s degrees in English and psychology, a CELTA, and the CELTA-YL Extension. She is currently working on a doctorate in language education at Indiana University (USA), with research interests focusing on cosmopolitan and multimodal pedagogies. Lindsay is the current national president of KOTESOL, finishing her two-year term conference weekend. Email: Lnherron@gmail.com

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