
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Daniel James Mills, Ritsumeikan University
Sean Toland, Ritsumeikan University

Using “How to” Videos to Enhance 21st Century Literacies in EFL Classrooms

In this presentation the researchers will discuss an action research project involving ELLs at a Japanese university. The participants worked in groups to create “how-to” videos on their smartphones, which were shared with their classmates and instructors through the university’s LMS. Afterward, they engaged in self-reflective journaling using the LMS to evaluate and discuss their perceptions of the project. The instructor and peer evaluations of the student-made videos were conducted using the guidelines set forth by the International Society for Technology In Education. A survey instrument was utilized to ascertain participants’ comfort with the use of digital media and ability to creatively apply those skills to video production. The presenters will show how this practical activity can be applied to a variety of instructional contexts.


Daniel James Mills is a lecturer of English as A Foreign Language at Ritsumeikan University in Shiga, Japan. He holds a doctorate in instructional technology from the University of Wyoming. His research interests include informal learning, mobile-assisted language learning, and digital games.

Sean Toland is currently a lecturer at Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan. His research interests include technology-enhanced learning, materials development, and critical theory. He is a Ph.D. student at Lancaster University in the UK, studying e-research and technology-enhanced learning.

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