
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Dewi Atikah, MA TESOL Studies student in University of Leeds

The Effectiveness of Teacher and Peer Feedback in Teaching Hortatory Exposition Writing

This research was conducted to find out to what extent peer or teacher feedback affects students’ writing in term of four writing aspects in one of secondary schools in Indonesia. The result shows that the scores for teacher feedback class and peer feedback is not significant different on students’ hortatory exposition writing. However, by calculating the gain score of each four writing aspects assessed (content, organization, language use, and mechanic), it was found that teacher and peer feedback have their own portion affecting the students’ writing achievement. The teacher feedback contributes higher score to the language use aspect, while peer feedback to mechanic aspect. Yet, both feedback also contribute positively on content and organization aspects.


Dewi Atikah is currently a MA TESOL studies student in University of Leeds, United Kingdom. She will be graduating this year, 2016 and will be working as a lecturer in TESOL field once she returns to her home country, Indonesia. She received bachelor’s degree in English language teaching from Halu Oleo University in Southeast Celebes, Indonesia. She has experienced in teaching adult learners as English used for specific purpose, public health students of Halu Oleo university, secondary, primary, and elementary students. She also worked as private teacher before pursing her MA degree in Leeds, UK. She is interested in the use of feedback and technology in ELT, teaching and learning strategies, learning styles and preferences, and linguistics issues.

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