
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Joseph P. Vitta, Tokyo International University
Alexis Pusina, Tokyo International University

Reflections: Academic Writing Programs in the Japanese and Korean EFL Contexts

Two academic English writing programs, Korean and Japanese, respectively, comprise the case study presented in the workshop. The presenters have or have had inside knowledge of each. The Japanese program consists of two tracks where the students’ L1 is either Japanese or non-Japanese, respectively. Both tracks are somewhat ESP in nature where proficiency attainment is not aligned to standardized scales but rather to what the program has defined as needed for its purposes as defined by inter-department communication. The Korean program, conversely, had learners from the same L1 background and attainment was measured via testing aligned to a scale that rehashed that ACTFL (2012). The analysis focuses on: 1 – curriculum designs/planning, 2 – methods of instruction, 3 – assessment schemes, and 4 – observed effectiveness and student satisfaction, the presenters identify useful aspects and areas of improvement which are of use to the other educators in similar contexts.


Joseph P. Vitta, MA-TESOL, has 10+ years in ELT and program management. He is finishing his education doctorate and is active in TESOL/AL research with a focus on curriculum design, lexis, and CALL. Currently, he is an EFL Lecturer at Tokyo International University while also serving as an Associate Editor for the TESOL International Journal.

Alexis Pusina is Lecturer and Global Teaching Fellow at Tokyo International University. HIs TEFL experience includes teaching for over 11 years at universities and high schools in Tokyo and Okayama, Japan, and Beijing, China. He has taught Ethnic Studies and Special Education to high school students in California. He has worked for a non-profit, youth leadership development and advocacy organization in California. His research interests include process based academic writing in TEFL, conflict resolution, and mediation in a multicultural context.

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