
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Jo-Anna Lynch, Seoul National University of Science and Technology

Preventing Plagiarism in the CBI Classroom

Many professors find plagiarism to be an ongoing problem in their university classrooms. Within the ESOL context, this problem is exacerbated more as students may not know how to summarize, paraphrase, cite sources in English, all the while coming from different cultures where they may have different expectations on what is considered plagiarism. In this presentation, I will discuss the factors resulting in accidental plagiarism, results of surveys administered to my students on the topic of plagiarism, my personal experience integrating plagiarism prevention strategies into a CBI course in a South Korean university. Attendees will have a chance to discuss their own experiences with plagiarism and discuss how teachers can integrate the strategies I used into their own teaching contexts.


Jo-Anna Lynch is an assistant professor at Seoul National University of Science and Technology. She obtained her MA TESOL from St. Michael’s College in 2013. She has been teaching English in Korea for over 8 years, along with short teaching experiences in several other countries as well. She is a lover of both teaching and learning languages. Her areas of interest are CALL and intercultural communication.

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