
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Daniel Craig, Sangmyung University, Seoul
David Ellis, Sangmyung University, Seoul

NoRedInk for Offloading Grammar Diagnostics, Instruction, and Practice

This study investigated the use of NoRedInk, an online adaptive learning system focused on English grammar, by students in a first year writing. The extracurricular use of NoRedInk was seen as a way to address multiple challenges: class time, diagnostics, instruction, and practice. The questions this study addressed were: (1) how did students perceive the implementation of NoRedInk, and (2) did the use of NoRedInk correspond with a reduction of specific grammar errors in student writing. To answer these questions, data뾢nd of course survey, NoRedInk reports, and student writing pre-/post-intervention assessments뾵ere collected and analyzed. This presentation will detail the implementation of NoRedInk and the subsequent findings regarding student perceptions and performance.


Daniel Craig is a assistant professor in the English Education Department at Sangmyung University, Seoul, South Korea. He teaches courses in writing, listening, teaching listening, teaching English through English, and Computer-Assisted Language Learning. His research interests are at the intersection of teacher practice, social practice, and technology.

David Ellis has been a professor at Sangmyung University in Seoul, South Korea since 2007. He teaches a variety of courses in the departments of English Education and General Education, including courses on writing, literature, and English language.

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