
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Takeshi Matsuzaki, Meiji University

Effectiveness of Dialog Recitation in Facilitating Formulaic Speech Production

This presentation will report on a small scale research project that sought to explore the extent to which two types of recitation tasks where FL learners were engaged, over the course of a semester, in memorization of conversational turns prepared in advance would differentially lead to formulaic speech production. Three groups of learners were investigated for this research: a whole-text recitation group, a partial-text recitation group, and a contrast group. Results of the two sets of three-component speaking tests, one administered at the onset of the instructional intervention and the other at the end, suggest that both whole-text recitation and partial-text recitation help improve formulaic speech production, and that the learning effects will be greater with a whole-text recitation approach.


Takeshi Matsuzaki is an associate professor at Meiji University, Japan. He has taught English at the university level in Japan for over a decade. He holds an MS in TESOL from University of Pennsylvania and a Ph.D. in Humanities from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. His research interests include the learning and teaching of formulaic sequences in foreign language contexts and the complex and dynamic nature of language learning. Email: tksmtzk@gmail.com

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