
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Leonie Overbeek, Hwaseong English Educational Program

Learner Autonomy via Games

When students are engaged with a game that follows well-known rules, they can be engaged by the game, but more than that, they can be engaged in active L2 use, especially when such use accomplishes a goal or level they need to reach in the game.
Online games offer this facility, but with many schools resisting the idea of allowing students free access to tablets or cellphones, a board game alternative was developed and used successfully during an English camp. The level of engagement of students with what they would normally consider ‘boring’ worksheets, and their readiness to engage the teacher in conversation was heartening.
Participants in this session will experience using the game, and be able to discuss the effectiveness of this method.


Leonie Overbeek has studied chemistry, engineering and communications. She has taught in Korea at both middle school and elementary school for the past nine years. She loves the idea of using any and all means available to encourage communicative learning. She feels that using student’s input in any activity allows then to take ownership of the processes and makes them partners in the learning process.

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