
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Julian Warmington, Daegu University

Global Climate Education Starts at KOTESOL IC 2016

Whether you are an education student, a Christian SIG member, or even if you really hate “being political” and are just another teacher (still) learning how to be good at your job, this talk will challenge the limits of your comfort zone.
We can teach many different things to help our students with these days of dangerous climate, and we must; at the very smallest least-effort end of the spectrum of contribution, we can, and need to incorporate key and meaningful skills and knowledge simply by doing what we do well anyway. Llists of useful resources and ideas for teachers and students to use in class, and in their own research for dealing with the challenge in their own daily personal, and structural lives.


Julian Warmington has enjoyed being editor-in-chief for KOTESOL’s quarterly publication The English Connection. He recently handed over duties to free up time to contribute in a more focused way to dealing with man-made global warming; this talk is the second such effort for KOTESOL.

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