
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Elizabeth May, Kongju National University

Is a Learner Management System for Me? (A Discursive Workshop About LMS)

Have you considered using a Learner Management System (LMS), for example Moodle, Edmodo or Canvas, in your classroom? Learner Management Systems are one of the strongest current trends in education. They are very useful for classroom management and assignment submission / grading. For those who have no experience with them or who are nervous or anxious about using technology they can seem quite daunting. This workshop aims to provide a simple and interactive introduction to the use of LMS as well as discussing some of the issues with their use. This workshop will discuss what LMS actually are, what they can do, how to set one up, the benefits and drawbacks to using LMS and how to identify and overcome any barriers to LMS use.


Elizabeth May has been in Korea for the last 5 years teaching English in a wide variety of settings. She is now at Kongju National University as a Visiting Professor / Language Instructor for the Cheonan Campus. She has an Med (Applied Linguistics) and is currently completing her MA (Education). She has a strong interest in M-CALL and technology in education and has presented at various national and international conferences on this subject.

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