
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Colin Walker, Myongji University

Investigating Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) Through Nonverbal Cues

A number of prominent scholars have commented that foreign language anxiety (FLA) is one of the best predictors language learning achievement, yet most studies have been constrained to traditional methods of inquiry (i.e. surveys, interviews, observations) leaving gaps in our understanding of how FLA manifests itself in real time. This presentation reports on a study that investigated nonverbal behavior of anxious and nonanxious students within the context of a speaking exam. Interestingly, the results were unable to demonstrate clear differences between the two groups of students. In the wake of these findings, the extent to which language teachers should concern themselves over their students’ affective domain remains unclear and will be the focus of discussion.


Colin Walker works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Myongji University where he teaches courses in written composition, conversation, presentation, debate, and listening comprehension. He has an MA in TEFL/TESL from the University of Birmingham and has focused much of his recent research on teaching students skills in storytelling. In building a learner corpus comprised of written and spoken data, he seeks to understand how students use grammar and vocabulary items from standard EFL textbooks to describe narrative events. web: walkercolin.com

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