
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Kerry Pusey, Nagasaki University

Adapting Textbook Activities for Communicative Classrooms

As language teachers, we are often stuck with a textbook that doesn’t meet all of the communicative objectives we have for our classes. Thus, it becomes necessary to adapt the textbook, while still retaining its useful features. During this workshop, the presenter will demonstrate how to adapt textbook materials into five successful speaking activities. Each activity requires minimal preparation and can be repurposed with a different language focus for future classes. Attendees will be guided through the process of designing their own speaking activities based on the types presented in the workshop. They will be given a set of clear instructions for how to develop similar activities for different language features, as well as a set of readymade examples of each activity type.


Kerry Pusey is from Los Angeles, California in the United States. He received his MA-TESL from Northern Arizona University and is currently an English Language Instructor at Nagasaki University in Japan. Kerry has also taught ESL/EFL in the United States, Brazil, Macau, and Colombia. He has contributed articles to various English language teaching journals and has presented at several international conferences around the world. His research interests include second language acquisition, language assessment, curriculum development, and experimental teaching methodologies.

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