Bala Thiruchelvam & Jeonghyun Kim


KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Bala Thiruchelvam, TESOL Sookmyung Women’s University
Jeonghyun Kim, English Teacher Paekun High School

Creating a Context-Appropriate Writing Curriculum for Middle School

Secondary teachers often skip or reduce the writing section. This workshop uses examples from one Korean middle school English teacher’s practices after completing an in-service teacher training program. In this teacher’s previous practice, writing was restricted to only opinion based essays due to time constraints and lack of emphasis on writing skills development. Working with the researcher, this teacher developed a more systematic structure to her writing curriculum. Key elements of this curriculum redesign include the addition of context specific rubrics and peer editing leading to greater learner autonomy. Examples will be shown from the journals and classroom writing samples collected by the teacher. Participants in this session will leave with new ideas for developing context specific writing curriculum and assessment using student peer editing.


Bala Thiruchelvam is a Professor of TESOL at Sookmyung Women’s University in the Intensive In-service Teacher Training Program where he mainly teaches Methodology and Practicum, Reading and Speaking. He is currently enrolled in the Ed.D Program at Anaheim University. He received his MA in TESOL from the University of Technology Sydney. He has worked as a teacher trainer in South Korea for over 6 years. His research interests include methodology, teacher development through action research, dialogue journaling and other reflective practices.

Jeonghyun Kim is an English teacher at Paekun High School in Kyonggi Province in South Korea. She has worked as a teacher in secondary school in South Korea for over 16 years. She received her MA in English Education from Korea National University of Education. Her research interests lie in teaching reading and writing in EFL classrooms and reflecting on class through writing a teacher’s class journal.

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