
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Kevin Ryan, JALT

Flipping Online Video for Classroom Discussion

Increasing autonomy while focusing on language development requires a balance of maintaining a rich flow of feedback from peers while gradually releasing control on a range of activities. This presentation looks at a model of a “flipped” classroom using online videos and Learning Management System (LMS) software to promote autonomy in language learning. Students choose videos, develop them into lessons, and present in small groups for immediate peer feedback. We sample activities, videos of student interaction, and student feedback on the process.


Kevin Ryan has taught in Barcelona, Chicago, Nanjing, Tokyo and Yangon. He started using computers in the early ’80s, and for teaching in the early ’90s. He is a Professor at Showa Women’s University in Tokyo and is an adjunct at the University of Tokyo. He bicycles 40 minutes to work most days.

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