Booksellers, Vendors and Schools choose to invest their marketing resources through KOTESOL for premium access to an educated and discerning audience with disposable income – English Teachers!

1. Standard Displays

As we return to the face-to-face conferencing environment, we aim to maximize opportunities

  • for teachers to discover more resources
  • for more organizations to showcase their goods & services
  • for KOTESOL to increase profitability while decreasing costs to display organizations

KOTESOL’s standard displays are based on an economical option of table/chairs/floorspace.

  • table is 180cm x 90cm *  **
  • assigned floorspace of 2m x 2m
  • 2 chairs available
  • electricity is limited to 2amp/kwh (sufficient for a desktop computer and bigscreen monitor or similar)


2. Enhanced Displays

All display areas may be enhanced through display racks and booths. KOTESOL staff will endeavor to assist you in making these choices, and must approve final selections not less than two weeks in advance (due to facilities constraints), but acquisition of display enhancements is the responsibility of each display organization. Electrical demand and floor-space requirements are key concerns. No materials may be attached to any wall, ceiling, or window, no adhesives on floors.

3. Premium Display Areas

Select high-visibility spaces are available for those who reserve double or triple spaces (or more). You may customize your display, or use the standard display materials.

4. Service Display Areas

Organizations that agree to provide specific pre-arranged services to conference attendees have rights to key high-traffic locations.


See the Partners page for more information on KOTESOL’s Organizational Partners.


Contact our Sponsorship Committee for additional details.


* All tables are without covers, you should bring your own table-coverings.
** Table sizes may vary outside of Seoul, ask us for details.