National Conference 2016 – Call for Presentations

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Call for Presentations
KOTESOL National Conference 2016
May 28, 2016 — Sangji University, Wonju
Theme: Our Provinces

Korea TESOL invites interested professionals to submit a proposal to present at the 2016 National Conference to be held at Sangji University, Saturday May 28th 2016.

The theme of this year’s conference is Our Provinces. First and foremost, the theme refers to ELT’s various domains of expertise (from SLA to classroom management). The Program Committee will consider any and all proposals that critically engage with any of ‘our provinces’ in such a way as to better inform teachers on either current thinking and research or best classroom practices. Priority will be given to topics that are especially relevant to ELT in Korea (as determined by the Program Committee and the results of the Pre-conference Survey). Additionally, the theme refers to the 9 provinces of Korea (along with the ‘Special Cities’ that share the same administrative standing). Here, the Committee would like to have presentations by KOTESOL members from as many provinces as possible, in order to share information and foster a sense of national community.

Regular Sessions

The Program Committee is accepting proposals for:

  • Presentations (45 minutes, lecture-oriented) focused on best practices
  • Workshops (45 or 75 minutes, hands-on) suitable for either early-career or established professionals
  • Pecha Kucha Sessions (20 slides each 20 seconds length)
  • Special Colloquia (110 minutes featuring several presenters with a joint thematic design)
  • Other ELT topics and formats will also be considered

Priority will be given to proposals that relate to the theme of the conference. That is to say, they demonstrate an outstanding depth of understanding, providing either critical examination of underlying theory or the opportunity for substantial skill development on the part of attendees.

Proposals should include the following information, to be submitted via webform:

  • Presenter’s name, affiliation, and current contact information
  • Session type (Presentation, 45- or 75-minute workshop, Pecha Kucha)
  • Title (Maximum 10 words)
  • Proposal (Between 200-250 words): rationale, methodology, and description of session.
  • Biographical statement (Maximum 50 words)

The revised rubric for assessing proposals is located at the bottom of this page, or may be downloaded here.

Special Colloquia or other formats

The Program Committee is also convening Special Colloquia, which will provide in-depth examinations of topics or issues of current interest to ELT in Korea. These 110-minute sessions will involve multiple presenters or a panel of experts tightly linked thematically. The precise format of these colloquia will be determined by the Program Committee in collaboration with the presenters. Primarily, presenters will be invited based on their proven expertise in the given area. However, the Program Committee will also consider proposals by KOTESOL Special Interest Groups or individual members.

For more information on how to apply or to suggest a topic, write to and please include “Special Colloquia 2016” in the subject line. Do not use the webform for special colloquia.

If you wish to suggest an alternative-format session, please write to and please include “Alternative format presentation 2016” in the subject line. Do not use the webform for alternative-format proposals.

Proposals that do not follow the application format or are incomplete will not be considered.

To submit a proposal, gather up your information, and complete the webform at

This Call for Presentations is also available as PDF here (and below).

The deadline for submissions has been extended:  March 6 (11:59pm).

Thank you for your interest!