Kalyan Chattopadhyay (IATEFL YLT-SIG)


Archive copy.

Featured Session – International Conference 2015

Critical Language Awareness in Teacher Learning

Critical language awareness has added a new dimension to teacher learning. It brings to consciousness teachers’ critical awareness of language use. It is this awareness that helps teachers to evaluate, adapt, and write teacher learning materials. It also engages teachers to use language critically to achieve their own objectives.

This talk will demonstrate, through a sequence of activities, how critical language awareness develops in teacher trainees’ and teachers’ sensitivity towards language use, how it develops a sense of critical consciousness of issues of social structures in the world around them, and how it engages them in thinking critically about how language is used for different purposes.


Speaker Bio-Sketch

Kalyan Chattopadhyay is the Coordinator of IATEFL’s YLT SIG, and Vice President of AsiaCALL. He works as Director of the English Language Centre at Bankim Sardar College, University of Calcutta. Kalyan has been involved in English language teaching for over 18 years, working as a lecturer, teacher trainer, researcher, and consultant in a range of national international contexts. He has given plenary and invited talks in Cambodia, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, the UK, and Vietnam. He writes course books for the Cambridge University Press, and he has received an IELTS Research award in 2014.




See the full list of Major Speakers at the KOTESOL International Conference and English Expo at http://koreatesol.org/ic2015/MajorSpeakers