This page includes resources chapters can use for promotional purposes.


Recommended attendance tracker: Scan to Spreadsheet (US$2.99 iOS, US$0.99 GooglePlay)
* This app can scan the QR codes on the membership cards, separate the information (first name, last name, expiration date, email address) into columns, and then send the spreadsheet in various formats. Note that the Android version is in the process of being updated, so it has a few quirks that should be ironed out soon.

** Also available but currently untested by MemComm: Scan to Web (US$2.99 iOS / GooglePlay), which can scan the QR codes into a Google spreadsheet or other online document.

FREE for chapters to order for promotional use: KOTESOL pamphlets, KOTESOL business cards (national, with basic website/Facebook/Twitter info and chapter list on it), SIG/Membership bookmarks, magnets. Not currently available: KOTESOL pens

A handy collection of documents and other reference information is here.

High-resolution logos for chapter use:

Here (as .eps file, and including Korean) and below: