Gwangju-Jeonnam Selects Officers for 2014-15

The Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter holds its annual elections for chapter president, vice-president, and treasurer each year at its November chapter meeting. An elections officer, Billie Kang (past chapter vice-president), was selected to conduct this year’s elections as set out in the Chapter’s policies and procedures. Elections were held at the Chapter’s November 8 meeting at Chosun University, and the results are as follows:

President: Dr. David Shaffer
Vice-President: Maria Neliza Lumantao
Treasurer: Lindsay Herron

The elected officers affirmed their intention to redouble their efforts to serve the Chapter to the best of their abilities. Additional chapter officers were nominated and approved by the elected officers as per the Chapter policies and procedures. This process was completed as of November 25. These Chapter officers are

Membership Coordinator: Paige Wheeler (Bryan Hale, as of March 2015)
Member-at-Large:  Jocelyn Wright
Member-at-Large:  Tyson Vieira
Member-at-Large:  Gene Shaffer

These appointments also run from November 2014 until Chapter elections are held in November 2015.

For biographical sketches of the 2014-15 Chapter officers, go to the Executive Profiles page.