Constitution/Bylaws Amendment Proposals

Amendments to the KOTESOL Constitution and Bylaws will be voted upon at the Annual Business Meeting, scheduled Sunday at the 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference.

The current Constitution and Bylaws are available at

Proposals for Amendments:

Proposal to Revise the Amendment Requirements for KOTESOL Constitution.
That the figure “three-fourths (3/4) majority” in Constitution Article VIII (Amendments to this Constitution) be revised to “two-thirds (2/3) majority”, this revision to go into effect October 6 2014.

Proposal to Revise the Amendment Requirements for KOTESOL Bylaws.
That the figure “two-thirds (2/3) majority” in Bylaws Article X (Amendments) be revised to “three-fifths (3/5) majority”, this revision to go into effect October 6 2014.