Jeju Chapter – June 2014 Workshop Review

Lindsay Herron, a visiting professor at Gwangju National University of Education and Chair of the Membership Committee for KOTESOL, gave a very informative and well-received presentation on student-centered teaching to the Jeju Chapter of KOTESOL on Saturday June 21st. The presentation, “Yielding the Floor: Tips and Techniques for Student-Centered Teaching“, had those in attendance working together in pairs and groups to analyze the true meaning of student-centered teaching and how to improve on their own student-centered teaching techniques. The workshop was followed by a group dinner of delicious pork belly (삼겁살), refreshments, and merriment. 

The Executive Team of the Jeju Chapter of KOTESOL would like to extend a big thank you to Lindsay Herron and everyone who attended the workshop, and we hope to see you at our next workshop in September!

Written by: Erin Williams (President, Jeju Chapter)

Photos by: Stephanie Hennington (Vice President, Jeju Chapter)