KOTESOL Fedex Day 2014


KOTESOL would be better if …


Show us what you think.

24 hours of high intensity rules-free development

June 6, 2014

………..  (Presentations June 7, 7pm))


What is FedEx Day???

The aim of a FedEx Day is to complete something deliverable within a 24 hour period. This enforced deadline is how the event gets its name; it mimics the bold, even revolutionary promise of an overnight delivery by the US-based courier FedEx. The idea here is that if you can’t make the deadline, at least make the effort. (There may be a chance to complete the project later.) FedEx Day is similar in spirit to Google’s 20% time, also known as Innovation Time Off, which offers Google employees the chance to pursue their own interests as long as the workers are in some way able to align their pet projects with the goals of the company.

Additional goals of a FedEx Day include:

  • to foster creativity
  • to scratch itches
  • to test out temporary or novel ideas
  • to have fun unfettered by the usual, even hum-drum restrictions of work

The work produced during a FedEx day program culminates in the presentation of the projects the next day. The participants should factor in some time to test their deliverables beforehand as the presentations are intentionally fast-paced so as to capture and hold the attention of the audience members.

To participate

Add your name and topic in the Comments section below (you must be logged in to do so).

Our project manager (Peadar) will help coordinate people in the days before the event.

If you want to help out with someonelse’s project just reply to their thread directly. Any and all project Ideas are welcome.


Read more about FedEx Days

Pink, Daniel H. (2009). Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us.  New York: Riverhead Books. See introduction on Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Drive-Surprising-Truth-About-Motivates/dp/1594484805


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