Member Benefits

Congratulations! You’ve joined KOTESOL! Now what?

Now that you’ve paid your first year’s membership dues and have been confirmed into the august ranks of Korea TESOL, what’s left to do? Answer: start taking advantage of the many opportunities open to members!

* Attend chapter meetings and conferences around the nation.

* Enjoy your member’s discount to KOTESOL events, including regional conferences, the National Conference, and the International Conference (IC).

Enjoy a variety of members-only resources and discounts from our local, national, and international partners, including nearly 70% off IATEFL membership, 30% off all Bridge TEFL courses, 50% off iTDi self-study courses plus $50-250 off iTDi TESOL certificate courses, major savings on registration for various international conferences, and more!

* Immediately access publications online, including The English Connection, the KOTESOL Proceedings, or the Korea TESOL Journal. You may also view the KOTESOL video library.

* Receive hard copies of The English Connection (unless you choose to opt out of hard copies) and the Korea TESOL Journal (by request only). (Make sure your postal mailing address, listed under “My Account”–> “Edit,” is up to date in your profile.)

* Advertise your own small business via KOTESOL. Members can host a booth at the international conference or place an ad for their personal small business FREE in the KOTESOL enews up to 3 times/year. (200,000 KRW value. Ad must be 300×300 and <1 MB; we also recommend also including a discount offer for KOTESOL members. Contact us:

Apply for a KOTESOL Research Grant through the Research Committee.

* Apply for a travel grant or conference grant through the International Outreach Committee.

Apply for the Teacher of the Year Award! [on hiatus]

Receive invitations to special networking and social events reserved for members, such as our annual Wine-and-Cheese Social at the international conference.

* Participate in virtual social events on our KOTESOL Membership Lounge Discord server.

* Explore your professional interests more deeply in one of our special interest groups (SIGs).

* Apply to present at the International Conference.

* Earn an exclusive KOTESOL-Bridge co-branded certificate (with courses offered at a steep discount);

* Submit your work for publication.

* Keep apprised of upcoming events and opportunities through our monthly email newsletter, KOTESOL News.

* Observe an experienced teacher or receive feedback on your own teaching through our classroom observation program [currently on hiatus].

* Access career opportunities shared on the the KOTESOL Job Board.

* Receive a membership card (domestic members) and attendance certificates (upon request).

Build a professional network and start gathering great teaching ideas. 

* Participate in our social media! Join our official and unofficial Facebook groups (including groups for chapters and special interest groups), or follow us on Twitter.

* Get involved!

  • Join a committee;
  • Contribute to The English Connection (TEC), our quarterly magazine; the Korea TESOL Journalour peer-reviewed scholarly journal; or the KOTESOL Proceedings;
  • Present at the International Conference;
  • Attend the Annual Business Meeting (ABM);
  • Run for a chapter office or national office;
  • Volunteer as a host for our Open Door Classroom Observation Program [ON HIATUS as of 2020];
  • Start presenting at chapter workshops or KOTESOL conferences.


* Spread the word! Are you giving a professional development workshop for a non-KOTESOL group? How about requesting some KOTESOL promotional brochures you can give out as part of your talk? You can request the brochures from the Membership Committee chair; just tell us about your talk (what, when, where, how many attendees), and we’ll ship them to you for free.

* Feel free to contact the Membership Chair if you have any questions about your membership or membership privileges!


What’s up with all those letters? Here’s a handy reference guide to KOTESOL jargon you might encounter:

SIG = special interest group
KTT = KOTESOL Teacher Training
TEC = The English Connection, our quarterly professional journal
ABM = Annual Business Meeting
N&E = Nominations and Elections (committee)
ConComm = (International) Conference Committee
RP = reflective practice
PD = professional development
ER = extensive reading
DCC = Daejeon Chungcheong (chapter)

The links incorporated in this message are listed here:

Chapters Directory –

Events Calendar (around the nation) –

Video Library –

Special Interest Groups –

Research Committee –

Committees –

The English Connection (TEC)

TEC News

Korea TESOL Journal

KOTESOL Proceedings

Hosts for classroom observation program –

KOTESOL merchandise & promotional pens –

User Profile (online account) –

Membership Chair – (email)

KOTESOL Handbook