The Summer issue of The English Connection (TEC) has been mailed (August 16th) and — if you are a current member — should be arriving in your letterbox soon.

The mailing labels were printed exactly as the data appears in your online personal profile. If the mail comes with a peculiar-looking address label, you need to log in and clean up your address within your profile page.  REMINDER: as with Amazon and other web-based shipping services, You are responsible for your delivery details. We won’t tinker with it (any longer).

(if your name appears twice, don’t worry about that, we are still adjusting that feature.)

If you did not receive your TEC, and you think you should have:

  1. log in to the website –  (we strongly recommend you log in with the email address you used to create your account.  If you don’t remember your password, you can request a new password from that page)
  2. view your profile (opens automatically when you log in, or if already logged in, visit
  3. correct your address following the guidlines at the top right of the page.  Note that in the initial view of your profile, the address is all one long string.  It looks more correct when you click the “Edit” tab near the top of your page, where you can update all your personal/professional details.
  4. if your mailing information appears correct, and your membership is NOT expired*, contact us at
  5. If you coorect your mailing info and your membership is still current, contact us and we will re-send.

*  Your membership expiry will be visible near the top of your profile page, and should look something like the following:
Expiring Roles
    This role will expire on Sept 30 2013 – 12:11am