Call for Papers: Korea TESOL Journal

Korea TESOL Journal

The Korea TESOL Journal (KTJ) is a refereed journal, welcoming previously unpublished practical and scholarly articles on topics of significance to individuals concerned with the teaching of English as a foreign language. KTJ particularly focuses on articles that are relevant and applicable to the Korean EFL context. KTJ is scheduled to release two issues annually.

2024 Call for Papers: KTJ 20-2

This call for papers is soliciting submissions for Volume 20, Number 2, scheduled for publication  in late autumn of 2024. The earlier the submission is made, the earlier it can be considered for publication.

KTJ employs a rolling submission system. By accepting submissions on a rolling basis, submissions to KTJ are entered into the review process as soon as they are submitted (unlike conference proposals, which are reviewed after a set deadline has passed). Therefore, the sooner a paper is submitted, the sooner notification regarding acceptance can be made, and the sooner accepted papers can complete the review, revision, and editing process for publication.

Areas of interest include but are by no means limited to the following:

  • Classroom-Centered Research
  • Teacher Training
  • Teaching Methodologies
  • Cross-Cultural Studies
  • Social Justice in ELT
  • Technology in Language Learning
  • Language Learner Needs
  • Professional Development and Reflective Practice
  • Curriculum and Course Design
  • Assessment and Evaluation

As KTJ is committed to publishing manuscripts that contribute to the application of theory to practice in our profession, submissions reporting relevant research and addressing implications and applications of this research to the teaching of English in the Korean setting are particularly welcomed. 

KTJ is also committed to the fostering of scholarship among Korea TESOL members and throughout Korea. As such, classroom-based papers, that is, articles arising from genuine issues of the English language teaching classroom, are welcomed. Early-career researchers are invited to submit papers based on thesis/dissertation research as well as new research.  

Korea TESOL Journal Guidelines

As an academic journal in the field of English language teaching (ELT), the Korea TESOL Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. As a journal that is dedicated to the nurturing of research among ELT practitioners, KTJ also welcomes quality submissions for the novice researcher.

Korea TESOL Journal submissions are evaluated upon the following criteria:

  • The topic is of professional relevance to the Korean EFL context; that is, it is of interest and can benefit the ELT practitioner, administrator, or researcher, in that it can apply Korean situation.
  • The study researches an ELT problem, explores an ELT question or issue, and/or clarifies an ELT issue.
  • The study presents a new perspective on the topic, and/or adds to the information base available, and/or presents research-based results, and/or offers suggestions for improvement or as solutions.
  • The topic is clear, concise, and presented in a logical manner.
  • The manuscript is written in academic English and organized in an academic style.

Korea TESOL Journal general guidelines and detailed style guidelines in PDF format can be accessed and downloaded at the bottom of this page.

No Submission Fees
The Korea TESOL Journal operates on international standards. This means that KTJ does not charge the author any paper submission fee or any paper review fee. Costs are borne by Korea TESOL. However, as Korea TESOL is an English teachers’ organization, submission to KTJ is a member benefit. KTJ paper submissions are limited to Korea TESOL members (i.e., Korea TESOL membership is required for an author to publish in KTJ. It is a requisite for formal acceptance of a submitted manuscript.). Korea TESOL membership is open to all who are interested in ELT.

Korea TESOL Membership
As stated above, KOTESOL membership is a requirement of authors to receive full acceptance of a submitted manuscript. Current membership in Korea TESOL at the time of provisional acceptance of a submission is required for finalized acceptance of the submission. In the case of multiple authors of a single submission, more than 50% of the co-authors must have current Korea TESOL membership.

Manuscript Formatting
Manuscripts submitted for formal review are expected to follow APA 7 style guidelines (APA Publications Manual, 7th edition) in general. However, if an author would like to first get a pre-review opinion on their research from the editors, this is possible without the manuscript first being formatted to APA style guidelines.  

KTJ prefers that submissions be written in a style rendering their content accessible to a broad readership, including those individuals who may not have familiarity with the subject matter addressed.

We do require an abstract, an introduction, a reference list, and an author bio-sketch. In most cases, we also expect to see sections on literature review, methods, results, discussion of results, and conclusions.

The Korea TESOL Journal is an international journal, welcoming English language submissions from both in and outside Korea that will contribute to the advancement of English language teaching in Korea and in the wider ELT world.

Inquiries/Manuscripts to: Editor at

General Information on Submissions to KTJ 

The Korea TESOL Journal invites submissions in three categories:

I. Full-length articles. Contributors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts of 5,000 to 8,000 words in length, including references, tables, etc.

II. Brief Reports. The Journal also invites short reports (approximately 2,500 words). These manuscripts may present preliminary findings, focus on some aspect of a larger study, or summarize research done in the pursuit of advanced studies. 

III. Reviews. The Journal invites succinct, evaluative reviews of scholarly or professional books (such as teachers’ handbooks and books on any ELT topic), or instructional-support resources (such as computer software, video or audio material, and tests). Reviews should provide a descriptive and evaluative summary and a brief discussion of the significance of the work in the context of current theory and practice. Submissions should generally be no longer than 1,500 words. 
Notice: Unsolicited book reviews are welcome. However, please check in advance with KTJ on the acceptability of the book or digital material.
Contact Reviews Editor James Kimball: Here.

KTJ manuscripts are accepted for blind, peer review with the understanding that the same, or very similar, work has not been submitted elsewhere (i.e., not pending review or currently under review, or in press) and has not been previously published. A statement to this effect should be contained in a brief cover letter along with the corresponding author’s affiliation and contact information. The cover letter should also include a brief discussion of the work’s importance and explain why the work is considered appropriate for the readership of KTJ, primarily practitioners in the Korean EFL environment.

For publication, manuscripts should follow APA 7 style guidelines (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.), especially for in-text citations, references, tables, and figures. Submissions should be made with tables, figures, and other graphics included in the manuscript text (and upon request, as separate files). Manuscripts should be submitted as MS Word (DOC or DOCX) files.

The authors of submissions that are provisionally accepted by KTJ for publication are expected to sign a copyright agreement with KTJ as part of the acceptance process.

A Copyright Agreement form can be accessed and downloaded in PDF format at the bottom of this page.

Before making your submission, review our handy Checklist, which can also be accessed at the bottom of this page.

General Policies

For any paper submitted to KTJ for review, it is expected and understood that the submitted paper is not under review/consideration for publication by another publisher and also that the paper will not be submitted for review elsewhere while it is undergoing the review process by KTJ.

Once a submitted paper has been accepted by KTJ and requested revisions have been made, it is understood that the paper will be published in KTJ and that it can no longer be withdrawn by the author.

Plagiarism in any form is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Detection of such shall result in the manuscript’s rejection.

Failure to abide by any of the above policies may result in the author being disqualified from having future submissions reviewed by KTJ.

Inquiries/Manuscripts to:
The Korea TESOL Journal accepts submissions for two issues annually.
Updated: Updated June22, 2024