New Reading Group Launched for Summer!

The Professional Development SIG (special interest group) is pleased to announce our first study group. This will be a reading group. Other types of study groups, including a Portfolio Development self-help discussion group, will be launched shortly.
The first reading group will undertake
Richards, Jack C. & Thomas S.C. Farrell (2005). Professional Development for Language Teachers: Strategies for Teacher Learning. Cambridge University Press.
The Preliminary schedule for the group is:
Jan 10-20. Acquire books. Read Chapter 1 (The nature of teacher education).
See more about the reading group at
The first three chapters this group will undertake are available online. We will do a group order of books with a generous discount from Cambridge University Press Korea for those who do not have the book. Contact Rob Dickey via the SIG webpage for more information.
Join the SIG by subscribing on the SIG webpage.
If you’d like to join our discussions, you’ll also need to join the yahoogroup. See more at
Read and develop through your summer!