Invitation to Contribute: new KOTESOL Handbook 2013

In 1999 KOTESOL published a collection of information on living and working in Korea as well as practical ideas for teachers in Korean classrooms. The original version can be found here:

KOTESOL is very happy to announce that it is updating the handbook and eliciting submissions from members.

What we need
Ideas! We invite members to submit

  • Lesson plans
  • Creative tasks (Young Learners especially)
  • Communicative tasks (University / Adult)
  • Problem solving tasks (all ages)
  • Anecdotes on teaching in Korea
  • Artwork (either by you or your students)


What you get

  • Listing as a contributor in The Handbook
  • A hardcopy of The Handbook
  • A digital copy of The Handbook
  • The satisfaction of knowing you have shared your ideas with like-minded teachers in Korea and have contributed to their (and your) professional development


How we need it

  • Your Name
  • Your Chapter Affiliation
  • Your Work Affiliation (if applicable / you are comfortable giving this)
  • A title for the submission
  • Preparation time required
  • Run time (e.g. 5-10 minutes)
  • Materials needed (e.g. Pencil and paper)
  • Target Language area (e.g. “Used for teaching prepositions”)
  • Language Skills used (e.g. Speaking, Reading etc)
  • Student Level and age group (Young Learners / Middle and High School / University / Adult / Business)
  • Please keep submissions to around two (2) pages. You can view the 1999 edition at the address above, have a look at the style and layout to inform you in terms of the style required for submissions
  • Please use Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) or compatible format.
  • Please send images as separate .png files


When we need it
The closing date for submissions is Monday 15 July 5pm KST

Please feel free to inquire prior to submitting.

a PDF version of this invitation is linked to this page.