Webform: Conf registration webform to product page

Setting a webform to automatically go to a product page upon submission.

This is for users registering for a conference to first fill in a User information webform before redirecting them to a page where they can pay for the conference.

Paid Registration for Conferences

  1. Create Product page with attributes, remember the URL (in this case /node/118)
  2. Create Webform
  3. Set URL forward from Webform to Product page, /node/118/webform/configure > Redirection location > Custom URL: product page url
  • On the webform page select “Form Settings”
  • Find “Redirection location” and set “custom url” to the Product page (in this case “/node/117”)
  • Under “Advanced Settings” farther down the page change the “Submit button text” to the word “Continue”
  • Save page

It is also possible to use the Redirect URL to daisy chain a number of webforms. Just set the custom URL to the next webform in the chain.

Official Drupal Webform documents and help http://drupal.org/documentation/modules/webform